Major media & broadcasting company surpasses revenue goals while protecting global reputation.


One of the world’s largest audio entertainment companies, a premier content programmer, offers a subscription-based platform to the consumer marketplace. Today, the company reaches more than 100 million people with their audio products and streaming music services.

Their content is offered through satellite radio service, as well as pre-installed radios in cars, homes, offices, and smart devices. New device activations generally come with a free trial of the service for a specific period. Thereafter, the company’s marketing efforts are focused on conversions of these free trials through strategic outreach to new listeners. As such, the company employs Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) partners to carry out targeted, high volume, phone-based marketing to drive subscriptions, as well as collect outstanding debt and provide service support.

From a client perspective, the use of BPOs can be accompanied by some obvious drawbacks, such as lack of control, multiplicity of vendors, lack of visibility, and compliance liability. Therefore, the company’s management was tasked with finding a solution that addressed the risks and hurdles of employing a vast telemarketing network (making tens of millions of outbound phone calls a month) across 10+ BPOs and dozens of global call center locations. The challenge became: How could they deploy a system that was 1) platform and carrier agnostic 2) which also guaranteed unbiased compliance and adherence to business rule controls with full visibility into call activity data without deploying a centralized, in-house dialing platform?


By deploying the Gryphon platform, the company gained complete control of phone-based calling made on their behalf for both marketing compliance and sales/business intelligence purposes using a conversation intelligence software. Gryphon’s system provides an innovative “CORE-to-EDGE” approach for large sales and marketing organizations for optimal sales effectiveness.

The “CORE” is the brain of the marketing operation and serves as the centralized governance and visibility layer, containing a sophisticated set of industry-best compliance and business rules, combined with a client’s proprietary Established Business Relationship (EBR) exemption list, Internal Do Not call (“IDNC”) list, and any other relevant datasets. The “EDGE” is Gryphon’s SaaS engine that screens outbound activity against any applicable rule or legal restriction; platform diversity is not an issue. Thus, the Gryphon “EDGE” serves not only as the point-of-dial for Do Not Call certification but is also the sales activity capturing engine. Most importantly, it guarantees the highest level of protection available to companies that rely on third parties to market on their behalf.


With the Gryphon platform in place, this audio entertainment company has been able to easily validate lead saturation, penetration rate, and other point-in-time and frequency metrics being reported by their BPO network – in real-time – via their custom dashboard.

The organization also now has a comprehensive third-party validation tool to ensure compliance with business processes, respond to regulatory inquiries, and extract other business critical call metrics without relying upon a myriad of network providers and the incremental, inconsistent data they provide.

conversation intelligence software